Letters to Spring · Sharing Thoughts

Letters to Spring.

Dear Spring... Hello. Again. It's been a few days since my first ever letter to you, Spring, but I could not find you sometimes to deliver this one. I still can't, but I hope it reaches you anyway. Although you are here and I can see that all around me, at least in most things,… Continue reading Letters to Spring.

Letters to Spring

Letters to Spring.

Dear Spring, Welcome. You are finally here... Everyone loves you because you're the reason that comes after the cold days of winter. At least for the ones here in the northern continents of the world. Things warm up day by day, the flowers begin to bloom, the spring allergies comes along, the colors become vibrant… Continue reading Letters to Spring.

Sharing Thoughts

Let it go.

This last two months, maybe a bit more, I've learned a very important lesson. Pretending that something doesn't affect you in any way - especially a negative one- doesn't reduce the impact it can have on you and your mental health. Surely, ignoring some emotions is a very tempting thought and something many of us… Continue reading Let it go.

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It’s those that matter.

What matters the most to you? What are those little things that matter the most? For me it's writing. I love buying notebooks or journals for that. I carry them around everywhere I go. And I literally mean ''everywhere''. I write about anything. My favourite quotes from books, movies or those I come up with… Continue reading It’s those that matter.

Sharing Thoughts

Dear Me.

Dear Future Me, You have moved on quite a bit. You left a lot behind and for good reasons, I believe. So, now, all you must do is go forward confidently into that future that’s slowly unfolding before you. Keep smiling. Whatever worries and concerns you might have now will be forgotten in time. Be… Continue reading Dear Me.

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A Special Christmas Time.

The holidays are a deeply magical time for many of us. But they can also be stressful and draining. Especially during the time of a pandemic. There is always some planning to be done and while taking care of others, it can be difficult to take care of yourself. However, the holidays should be those… Continue reading A Special Christmas Time.

Sharing Thoughts

Giving Thanks Time.

Honestly, I never celebrated Thanksgiving with my family. Not even when I lived abroad in the country where Thanksgiving is a big thing! Unfortunately, it's not a tradition where I come from. I only learned about it through English class at school and by looking it up later on on the world of the web.… Continue reading Giving Thanks Time.

Sharing Thoughts


Do you ever catch yourself reminiscing moments in familiar places? You know, those moments you shared with a special someone somewhere. When time has passed and you feel like a complete different person. Or maybe you've moved on in your life. When some wounds have healed and now there are only scars. When you have… Continue reading Reminiscing