Sharing Thoughts

Holiday spirit in springtime.

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I find beauty on all holidays around the year. And each holiday is special in its own way either because of the season it falls into, or the way one can spend it. Traditions and family are two of the most important things that play a huge role into making every holiday enjoyable, among other things. But which is my favorite holiday? I would love to let you take a guess, but then I wouldn’t have a purpose of writing this new post. So, let’s talk about it.

My favorite holiday is, as it happens to be for quite a good number of people around the world, Christmas. The time before Christmas, when things appear in stores, when carols start being heard, when the cold begins and the winter’s frost, that is a time of excitement for me. I am fortune enough to live in a city that turns out to be magical during the holidays. Most streets are decorated with trees and tinsel full of lights. The big squares around the city are full of Christmas markets and festivities.

But Christmas is so much more than just the gift giving and receiving. Christmas is all about what we celebrate, especially if you are one of religion, but also with who we spend this holiday. Family time is very important, and these holidays were the first ones in the schedule as a child, during which time I could hang out properly with my parents, my loved ones. In addition, Christmas is the holiday that brings out that warmth to one’s soul. Outside it might be snowing and the temperatures might be dropping, but inside a well decorated home… well, that’s the magic there.

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