Sharing Thoughts

Outgrowing things.

Daily writing prompt
Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time?

I guess everybody outgrows something eventually. Sometimes, it is the clothes we grow out of. I quite sure that, if you look through your closet at some point, you will find a lot of clothes that simply do not fit you anymore because of the size difference. And yet, you keep them. I know i have kept some of mine!

However, clothes and shoes are not the only ones we grow out of. Hobbies and activities follow as time ticks by and we grow older, wiser and fuller of responsibilities. Over the last… 7 to 8 years, I have noticed a huge difference at what I liked doing and what i do now. That is for my personal entertainment. So let’s talk about it…

It all started in 2015, and there is a boyfriend to be blamed there, when I got into gaming. Of course, I was acquainted with some computer games before that, but thanks to that guy, I began playing games more often and broadened my horizons with the PS3 he had and then the PS4 we got. No, I was not into every sort of game but I liked certain games like Assassin’s Creed. From 2015 until 2017, I spent a lot of time gaming. There was no limit for me as I was not as busy as I am now. So I can’t even say how many hours I put on that hobby of mine.

But, as it happens, things changed and I found other interests or life simply got busy enough to keep me occupied for too long. And so I kinda grew out of gaming. Sure, I still like the concept of it and I make this big promise to myself that I will find some time to dedicate to it over the weekend or during the evenings before bedtime, but you know what? I can’t keep those promises! I fail every time!

Maybe one day I will find some time for it…

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