
Photography & Quotes

🌊 Sea La Vie!

We spent a few good months in isolation due to Corona. We spent months counting down the days until we could get back out in the world and resume our previous life, whatever that included. We spent days hungry for adventures, fantasizing about night outs and work days full of routine. And now, we spent days dreaming about days by a pool or days at the beach, simply because summer is upon us.

It might be difficult still and everyone must be careful first, take the proper measures and all that… But let’s face it. It’s easy to get lost in the idea of summer. It’s each to get lost in the idea of easing at the sun, relaxed. Summer is upon us already and what you do is up to you.

Sometimes, you just need to take a step back, slow down a bit and take in every moment because it counts. Summer is about all that you’ve dreamed before during the colder months of the year. It’s okay to finally take your time. Summer is about having some extra time off to appreciate what’s around you. There is no need to rush. Summer is about reflecting. Soaking up the sun. Summer is about cherries and cocktails. About friends and nights out. Summer is when things are better, they are great even.

Of course, not everything that is good lasts forever. That’s the bitter truth. So slow down while you have the chance and enjoy every day this summer. Cherish it. Let it linger. Love it.

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