Sharing Thoughts

Music and its Power.

Daily writing prompt
What would your life be like without music?

My life without music would be boring. There’s my answer to the prompt titled ”What would your life be like without music?”. I would have left it at that, short answer and all, but I want to talk about the power of music a bit further.

So, what is music? Music is defined as ”vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony and expression of emotion”. And that is what music does. Every great piece of music created was created with emoton and it expressed that through notes and words.

What power does music have over us? First of all, music can bring us joy. Surely, you have caught yourself dancing to a merry tune or you have ‘witnessed’ your mood changing to a better one in mere seconds because of a song. Music comforts us, motivates us and helps us relax. Not to mention the ability of music to transport us back in time!!

I don’t know about you, but music does all that to me. Every morning, when I am on my way to work, I have songs that boost the mood playing. It definitely helps with keeping me awake behind the wheel of the car. At the end of the day, especially when it has been A DAY, I am back at listening to all these tunes.

When I am studying, either for professional development related to my work or for my studies at University, I love having a bit of classical music, or something relaxing playing in the background.

Music is also connected with many memories. Fond ones and some bad ones as well. It has happened many times when I listen to a song which I connected in the past with a special moment, no matter if it was good or bad. Fun Fact: Music has been found to have an influence on the memories of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Finally, I have this habit, it’s a new one, to listen to music during the night. I am not sure how or when it started, but it seems that relaxing music and favourite soundtracks help with putting me to sleep. Of course, such music tends to transport me to those fantasy worlds I love reading about once in a while.

I am quite certain that my life without music to boost the mood, allow me to relax or even bring back some memories and moments from the past would not as exciting as it is now!

What do you think about that? How important is music for you?

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