Sharing Thoughts

Fate or Destiny.

Daily writing prompt
Do you believe in fate/destiny?

To be honest with you, when I opened my blog today, I was not planning on writing anything. I prefer to do so during the weekdays when at work and between breaks or when I am back at home… However, as I was browsing through the settings and the like, I checked out the new writing prompts and this one caught my attention. So, I have decided to answer this question regarding fate and destiny and if I believe in them… So here it goes…

Before sharing my thoughts on the two above mentioned topics, I believe that a definition of what is what is a must. Many people can get easily confused and believe that fate and destiny are the same thing… But, dear reader, I assure you they are not.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, fate is defined as: ”the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do”. Destiny on the other hand is ”a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency”. And that is that. Off to the thoughts now.

In Greek mythology, three very interesting women, many times depicted as sharing one eye between them, were known as the three Fates. Of course they had their own names: Clotho (the spinner), Lachesis (the allotter) and Atropos (the inevitable which is a metaphor for death), each having a very important meaning of course. Those three women were the ones that weaved the fates of all mortals and could end the life of anyone by cutting the string of life… My point is, in the ancient times of my country, fate was not just a thing, a word…It was a power, or three into one honestly. And nobody could change their fate in life.

However, we now live in the 21st century, in the year of 2024, and everybody had a different opinion on what fate and destiny is. Some believe in them, others not so much. Personally, I do not believe in fate or destiny that strongly. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and we might have a part on what happens in our lives. Maybe some things were meant to happen since the day we were born. But there are definitely some things we manifest into happening ourselves. At the end of the day, everybody has a choice in certain matters and they can pick which path to follow in life. One can pick their university, their future career, which house they wish to buy, etc.

So, maybe fate is a thing, maybe destiny is a thing. But do I believe in it? Not really. Only because I like to ”create” my own fate and destiny. Sometimes.

What about you? Do you believe in fate and/or destiny? Let me know below in a comment! Let’s talk about it!

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